by Donovan 

[Vlog] – 6 Course Dinner Along a 11km Hiking Route Only in France


6 Course Dinner + 11km Hike

Yup, it is a dinner + hiking. This is our 2nd time participating in this Dinner and Hike event. And this year it has improved in their process.

And we are experiencing their 6 Full Course Dinner along the hiking trail.

Actually by the 2nd course, we are pretty full.

The video was shot using a recent purhcase, the Yi 4K Action Camera.

As the camera was inside the housing, the sound quality was pretty bad. Nonetheless, the video quality was pretty acceptable.

I had ordered a casing and awaiting arrival, so hopefully the next video will have better sound quality.​

About the author 


Don is a Kiasu Singaporean that blogs his journey while exploring Europe.
A Singapore Travel Blog that provides travel guides and tips on how to travel free and easy in Europe.

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