5 Ways to Protect Your Home While You’re on Vacation


A vacation should be focused on having fun and enjoying yourself. However, the threat of burglary is something to be mindful of as you plan your next time away from home. Fortunately, there are many strategies that a homeowner can employ in today’s world to reduce the risk of a home invasion and stay as stress-free as possible whilst on vacation.

Find a House Sitter

A house sitter can be your neighbour, a trustworthy local teenager, or a true professional. Regardless of who is chosen, a house sitter is essentially a person who occupies your house while you are away and makes it seem lived in. This simple act is often enough to deter a would-be burglar who is looking for an easy score off a vacant house. As a bonus, it may also afford the homeowner the option of leaving pets at home too, saving money onboarding costs and giving further disincentive to an invasion. The key to a successful house-sitting experience for both parties is clear expectations and communication.

Security System

Gone are the days when security systems were luxury products that only the wealthy could afford. New providers have entered the market and driven prices down. If you’re tech-savvy, you can even install the equipment yourself and save money. From home cameras to a traditional security company, there is value in making sure that your home is covered and watched. Traditional companies offer the bonus of live monitoring and the ability to call emergency services; however, newer camera systems can link to cell phones to provide live views around the home. Whatever system is chosen, the cameras and yard signage also act as a deterrence and keeps burglars away.

Be Cautious with Social Media

Who doesn’t love to post the latest pictures from their Alaskan cruise, Bermuda beach or Mediterannean adventure all over Facebook and Instagram for the world—or at least friends—to see? This can come with a cost, however. As technology lets us communicate and give information to our friends and family, it can also give that information to the wrong people. Burglars are known to check social media of potential targets for signs that a homeowner may be away from home. Vacation pictures, location check-ins and all manner of posting to social media can act as a siren call for a burglar to come and check your place out. Even worse, some insurance claims are fought by adjusters if they see obvious social media activity that may have to lead a burglar to target your home, leaving the owner doubly out of luck.

Be Aware of Exterior Signs of Inactivity

Aside from social media, sometimes all a burglar needs to asses occupancy is to check the exterior of the home. Seasonal indicators that a home is empty include things like unmowed grass, blankets of fallen leaves and unshoveled driveways and sidewalks after a snowfall. Some signs that crooks look for year-round include overflowing mailboxes, piled up packages and even a lack of trash being put out or taken back after trash day. To stop your house from attracting unwanted attention, you can hire a house sitter or lawn company to maintain the property and avoid the empty-home look.

Use Automatic Security Lighting

Burglars generally prefer to work quickly and remain unnoticed. To remove their preferred conditions, automatic security lights will get the job done. Combined with a house sitter or security system, these motion-sensing lights can help chase off a would-be invader and keep them from breaking in. They are best placed to cover potential entry points, such as doors and low windows. As a bonus, these lights can also help approved guests navigate your property when the sun is down, reduce accident potential and may even help qualify you for an insurance reduction.

Home invasion is never a threat to ignore, but it can be stressful to think about while you should be relaxing. Fortunately, your home can be hardened against this threat to give you greater peace of mind through greater security. From the high tech to the low and from the automatic to the people-centric, there are thankfully many ways we can guard our homes while we are not present.
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About the author 

French Fries

French Fries' passion in writing is to inspire other travellers to not just “travel” or “make it through” but to get inspired while travelling. She loves eat French Fries also.

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