Guide to the Northern Lights: When and Where to Go


Ever dreamed of watching the Northern Lights dance across the sky? Well, it's totally doable! This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about catching this magical natural display, from how far you’ll travel to the best times and places for the ultimate view. Get ready to check this amazing experience off your bucket list!

Understanding the Northern Lights

First up, let’s get to know what the Northern Lights are all about and how you can maximize your chances of witnessing this celestial dance.

What Are the Northern Lights?

The Northern Lights, or aurora borealis, are an incredible natural phenomenon where bright colors light up the night sky. This happens when particles from the sun hit Earth’s atmosphere. The colors you see, like greens, blues, and purples, depend on the type of gas particles that are colliding. It’s like a giant cosmic light show, and it’s all natural!

Best Viewing Conditions

Catching the Northern Lights in all their glory requires dark and clear skies. The best viewing spots are typically away from city lights where darkness prevails. Winter months provide the longest nights, which means more opportunities to see the aurora. Also, the weather needs to cooperate, so clear skies are a must!

Best Times to See the Northern Lights

Timing your trip right is crucial for the best Northern Lights experience.

Here’s how to plan your adventure.

Peak Seasons

The auroras are most visible from late September to early April. This period is ideal because of the extended hours of darkness in the Arctic regions. The winter solstice, in particular, might offer the longest nights but remember that the weather can be more unpredictable.

Importance of Darkness

Darkness is your best friend when it comes to viewing the Northern Lights. The best times to see them are between 9 PM and 2 AM. This is when the skies are at their darkest and the solar activity interacts most vividly with the Earth’s atmosphere.

Top Destinations for Viewing the Northern Lights

Choosing the right destination is key. Here are three of the best places for Singaporeans to travel to for a chance to see the Northern Lights, along with details on how far and how long you'll need to travel.

Tromsø, Norway

Flight Duration and Distance: Flying from Singapore to Tromsø takes about 18 to 20 hours, typically with one or more layovers, covering a distance of approximately 9,500 km. Tromsø is well-known for its high likelihood of aurora sightings due to its location well within the Arctic Circle.

Reykjavik, Iceland

Flight Duration and Distance: It takes about 17 to 20 hours to fly from Singapore to Reykjavik, with one or two layovers, and spans about 10,300 km. Iceland offers vast areas with minimal light pollution, ideal for viewing the lights.

Lapland, Finland

Flight Duration and Distance: To reach Finnish Lapland, expect a travel time of around 15 to 18 hours from Singapore, including layovers, and a distance of about 9,000 km. The region is famous for its unique accommodations like glass igloos where you can watch the aurora right from your bed.

Planning Your Trip

With the right planning, your Northern Lights trip can be a smooth and successful adventure.

Travel and Accommodation Tips

Book your flights and accommodation well in advance, especially if traveling during the peak viewing season. Consider staying in locations that cater specifically to Northern Lights tourists, as they often provide necessary amenities and information.

What to Pack

Prepare for the Arctic cold by packing layers of thermal clothing, a warm hat, gloves, and waterproof winter boots. For capturing those incredible moments, bring a high-quality camera equipped with a tripod to stabilize your nighttime shots.

About the author 


Don is a Kiasu Singaporean that blogs his journey while exploring Europe.
A Singapore Travel Blog that provides travel guides and tips on how to travel free and easy in Europe.

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